Please read our blog to find out what is happening in Room 10 this year. We will include lessons we do and special events we are involved in.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Scarecrows for Rose Week

 Room 10, 11 and 9 were making scarcrows for the Rose Week Competition. Each person in their group brought their things from home to make our scarcrows. We got to pick our own groups of a maximum number of 4 people. Some people finished and some people didn"t. If they didn't bring their things on the day they had to do work while everyone else made their scacrows. We had to make them in one and a half hours. They will be on view from Saturday 20th October by the Lion on the banks of the River Murray, Renmark.

Ned Kelly

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Peer Support

The first day we went to the Renmark High School for peer support was the 29th August 2012 and it was when we found out what groups we were in, then we went with our peer support leaders and did activities with them. One of the activities was like another game was Chinese Whispers. On the first day we had a tour of the high school, we looked at the gym, the canteen, tech room, princal's office and some of the class rooms. We also got to meet some of the teaches and students. We saw some of the ex students from Renmark Primary School, we also got to meet the princpal. They plant seeds and have sheep, lambs and goats in the ag.block. Peer support went for 5 weeks on a Wednesday for 50 minutes.  At the end of  our peer support time we said good bye to our leaders and went back to the Renmark PrimarySschool.

Thursday, 23 August 2012


From the 21st of August to 24th of August it was Bookweek. Bookweek is when the Children's Book Council of Australia chooses the best Ausralian books. This year the best novel was "Crow Country", in second place was"Nanberry Black Brother White" and third was "Verity Sparks."
Picture book winners were "A bus Named Heaven," second was "The Dream Of the Thylacine" and in third place was "Flood."
The Early Childhood winners were "The Runaway Hug," in second position was "Come Down Cat." In third position was "That's Not a Daffodil!"
The Older Readers Book of the Year was "The Dead I Know,"next was " Straight Line To My Heart," and "When We Were Two."


The award for New Illustrator went to Sarah Acton, the book was "Ben and Duck". We also wrote poems based on the one of the picture books called "For All Creatures".

For hunting and hooting.                                                  
For beauty and bliss,
swooping and speed.
And for night time we are thankful.

For cute and craziness.
for digging and diving,
playful and pouncing.
And for cuddling we are thankful.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Lascaux Cave Paintings

In 1940 in south western France in Lascuax some teenagers stumbled across cave paintings from 17,300 years ago. In 1955 the carbon dioxide was corroding the walls from 1200 people visiting every day so they made a replica of the exibition and sealed the real one away to the public. 

This term we studied the walls and made some of our own cave paintings. First we drew our cave paintings on brown paper then went over in oil pastel and paint. Then we scrunched the paper up to make it look rocky.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

RAZZ Performance

2 weeks ago, a musical group, called Razz, came to Renmark Primary School. They wer epolite and friendly as well as funny. The people that went to the performance were the people in choir and who were learning instruments. They played songs such as 'We Are Young', 'I'm a Believer' and 'Fireflies'. The instruments played there were electric bass, flute, saxophone, trumpet, keyboard, acoustic guitar, tambourines and maracas. The girls made everyone get up and dance. They had two beach balls one was small and the other was really big. There were  students from the Renmark West and Renmark Saint Joseph schools. It was entertaining with lots of participation from the audience. We all enjoyed it.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Jump Off

 Some students in Renmark Primary School are in an elective called Jump Rope For Heart also known as the Renmark Rippers. Last week we had a Jump Off and everyone at Renmark Primary School had a go at skipping with the professionals. We also performed for the Renmark Junior Primary School. On Friday the 22nd and Thursday the 28th June, the Renmark Rippers will be going on an excursion to perform at some different schools in the Riverland.

Bluearth Student Leader Forum at Monash Primary

On the 20th of June, four students (Cody, Brock, Josie and Holly) were selected to travel to Monash Primary School with Mrs. Bretag (Principal) to attend the Bluearth Student Leader Forum.

While we were at Monash, we met a lady named Jean Blaydes. She was from Dallas, Texas. You could tell she was from Texas because she had an American accent. She taught us a lot about how our brain works and how exercise is really important and crucial.

After the event finished we thought about the whole thing. This is what we think about it.

"It was a great experience for all of us, and hope to do it again next year, but I can't because I go to high school next year." Cody.

"Jean Blaydes was quite interesting and while we were at Monash, we did three dances. They were called the Soul Man, the Cupid Shuffle and the Wobble." Brock.

"It was an awesome day for me and I wish to do it again. I hope everyone can experience this someday." Josie.

Anti Bullying Lessons

Our group was chosen to discuss the person who is a '' different '' target. The different target is someone who is from a different country or has a disability. Our photo shows someone being teased as he looked different, he had a different skin colour. So don't bully someone who looks different because they come from another country.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Lessons on Victims and Bullies

Our group thought about the ''different'' target. This person might have a disability, come from a different country or eat different food. In our group we took a photo of this innocent victim who was over powered by the bully because he was in a wheel chair. This is one of the problems that can happen to many people of any age. This is a common thing that occurs to anyone at any time around the world. Bullying is not acceptable at this school, so don't do it. Don't become a bully!

Josh provokes the other children

Other children retaliate

Our victim is the provocative type. They purposefully annoy people. So the bully retaliates. The provoker usually
provokes them by walking theough their games or by saying things like "you can't get me" and does things to get
on the bully's nerves.

Our groupe was chosen to discuss the person who is a '' different '' target. The different target is someone who is from a different country or has a disability. Our photo shows someone being teased as he looked different, he had a different skin colour. So don't bully someone who looks different because they come from a different country.

Our group thought about all the different types of victims, there are several types of victims, however we chose the vulnerable target. the "vulnerable" target is someone who can't stand up for themselves or they have a low self esteem and don't have many friends.
In this picture you can see a girl punching a weaker girl who is crying.
The vulnerable victims can be picked on all around the world.

Our group thought the chance target means that someone who is in the worng place at the wornge time. Someone could pick on you for no reason. They may not even know you.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Thriller Dance

Thriller Dance with the Riverland Youth Theatre.

Today our class went to the hall and we had some one from RYT and she taught us to do some hip hop. It was fun and awesome, we did a dance of girls vs boys and we had a jam off. It was great because every body joined the jam and dance. Both groups tied because they were all really good and had blood chilling zombie faces!!!   Angela showed us at the end her amazing break dancing. The boys were funny at doing it, you counld watch them all day. Some of the girls were embarrassed to do it.  They thought it was silly and kept laughing through it all but the others liked it and really enjoyed themselvess. We did all kinds of dance and Angela was awesome at it. Micheal and her were having a dance battle and she won .

Monday, 4 June 2012


On Friday 2nd June our class planted our butterfly garden. Plants we used were  marigolds, petunias, 2 types of salt bush, azalea, lavender, and we used pea straw to mulch the gardenbed to be water wise. We would like to thank Suzie Pendle, the Environmental Officer, Renmark to the Border Local Action Planning Association for helping us to choose plants and plant our garden. Woods and Forest at Berri donated some plants as did Mitre 10 in Renmark.

Viewing what we have planted.

Busy planting.

Monday, 28 May 2012


Garden for 2012
Mrs O helping prepare the garden for planting.

Removing the weeds.
On Friday 25th Jessica's grandmother came to school to help prepare the gardenbed for planting. Firstly we took out the weeds and when we turned the soil we found potatoes. Next we brought the compost to the gardenbed and mixed it with the soil. Then we used the wheelbarrow and took the weeds away. Next week we are going to plant a butterfly garden.