Please read our blog to find out what is happening in Room 10 this year. We will include lessons we do and special events we are involved in.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Lessons on Victims and Bullies

Our group thought about the ''different'' target. This person might have a disability, come from a different country or eat different food. In our group we took a photo of this innocent victim who was over powered by the bully because he was in a wheel chair. This is one of the problems that can happen to many people of any age. This is a common thing that occurs to anyone at any time around the world. Bullying is not acceptable at this school, so don't do it. Don't become a bully!

Josh provokes the other children

Other children retaliate

Our victim is the provocative type. They purposefully annoy people. So the bully retaliates. The provoker usually
provokes them by walking theough their games or by saying things like "you can't get me" and does things to get
on the bully's nerves.

Our groupe was chosen to discuss the person who is a '' different '' target. The different target is someone who is from a different country or has a disability. Our photo shows someone being teased as he looked different, he had a different skin colour. So don't bully someone who looks different because they come from a different country.

Our group thought about all the different types of victims, there are several types of victims, however we chose the vulnerable target. the "vulnerable" target is someone who can't stand up for themselves or they have a low self esteem and don't have many friends.
In this picture you can see a girl punching a weaker girl who is crying.
The vulnerable victims can be picked on all around the world.

Our group thought the chance target means that someone who is in the worng place at the wornge time. Someone could pick on you for no reason. They may not even know you.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Thriller Dance

Thriller Dance with the Riverland Youth Theatre.

Today our class went to the hall and we had some one from RYT and she taught us to do some hip hop. It was fun and awesome, we did a dance of girls vs boys and we had a jam off. It was great because every body joined the jam and dance. Both groups tied because they were all really good and had blood chilling zombie faces!!!   Angela showed us at the end her amazing break dancing. The boys were funny at doing it, you counld watch them all day. Some of the girls were embarrassed to do it.  They thought it was silly and kept laughing through it all but the others liked it and really enjoyed themselvess. We did all kinds of dance and Angela was awesome at it. Micheal and her were having a dance battle and she won .

Monday, 4 June 2012


On Friday 2nd June our class planted our butterfly garden. Plants we used were  marigolds, petunias, 2 types of salt bush, azalea, lavender, and we used pea straw to mulch the gardenbed to be water wise. We would like to thank Suzie Pendle, the Environmental Officer, Renmark to the Border Local Action Planning Association for helping us to choose plants and plant our garden. Woods and Forest at Berri donated some plants as did Mitre 10 in Renmark.

Viewing what we have planted.

Busy planting.