Please read our blog to find out what is happening in Room 10 this year. We will include lessons we do and special events we are involved in.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Peer Support

The first day we went to the Renmark High School for peer support was the 29th August 2012 and it was when we found out what groups we were in, then we went with our peer support leaders and did activities with them. One of the activities was like another game was Chinese Whispers. On the first day we had a tour of the high school, we looked at the gym, the canteen, tech room, princal's office and some of the class rooms. We also got to meet some of the teaches and students. We saw some of the ex students from Renmark Primary School, we also got to meet the princpal. They plant seeds and have sheep, lambs and goats in the ag.block. Peer support went for 5 weeks on a Wednesday for 50 minutes.  At the end of  our peer support time we said good bye to our leaders and went back to the Renmark PrimarySschool.