From the 21st of August to 24th of August it was Bookweek. Bookweek is when the Children's Book Council of Australia chooses the best Ausralian books. This year the best novel was "Crow Country", in second place was"Nanberry Black Brother White" and third was "Verity Sparks."
Picture book winners were "A bus Named Heaven," second was "The Dream Of the Thylacine" and in third place was "Flood."
The Early Childhood winners were "The Runaway Hug," in second position was "Come Down Cat." In third position was "That's Not a Daffodil!"
The Older Readers Book of the Year was "The Dead I Know,"next was " Straight Line To My Heart," and "When We Were Two."
The award for New Illustrator went to Sarah Acton, the book was "Ben and Duck". We also wrote poems based on the one of the picture books called "For All Creatures".
For beauty and bliss,
swooping and speed.
And for night time we are thankful.
For cute and craziness.
for digging and diving,
playful and pouncing.
And for cuddling we are thankful.