Please read our blog to find out what is happening in Room 10 this year. We will include lessons we do and special events we are involved in.



Renmark Primary School
58 Murtho Street                                                                           Telephone         (08) 8586 5737
Renmark  SA  5341                                                                        Facsimile           (08) 8586 4020
Principal:     Lyn Bretag                                                                                                    A Solar School

23rd July, 2012

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Term 3. Students are looking smart in their school uniforms. Students may wear a top with the school logo, or a white or blue polo top, blue or grey trousers or shorts. Please ensure your child has a warm jumper for the colder months that conforms to the uniform policy. It is advisable to name clothing so that missing articles can be returned to their owner.

Each day at 9:00am to 9:20am the whole school has Literacy Intervention. If you are able to listen to reading during this time please contact me.

 Dates to remember

3oth July – Family Photos

31st July – Primary School Photos

2nd August – Pupil Free Day

3rd August – Student Free day

14th August – Interschool Spelling Bee at Primary School, 6:30pm

18th September – Sports Day

19th September – School Closure (Riverland Field Day)

21st September – End of term dismissal, 2:30


Diaries will be the main form of communication between home and school this year. Each day your child will list the learning for that day, any homework that is set. Please check your child’s diary each night and sign it on Thursday. I will collect all diaries on Friday morning. If a child is absent the school requires notification from parents. At the back of the diary I have placed some forms that can be used to notify the school of absences. Alternatively you can ring the school or email me.

I encourage and expect children to take responsibility for ensuring that their diary is brought to school each day. If your child loses their diary I expect it to be replaced.

 Things to Bring

Please encourage your child to pack their bag so that they have the essential equipment for participating in the school curriculum. Children may use or lose their pencils, rulers, glue stick, etc. A number of students do not have a glue stick and constantly borrow from others, this is not fair on those students who are organised. Students are able to bring a USB stick for use at school. Information on USB sticks is not to be loaded on to the curriculum network due to space restrictions.


Renmark Primary School has a hat policy which is in place all year. Please ensure that your child brings a hat to school (clearly labelled with their name) for use during recess, lunch and outdoor activities. Students who do not have a hat will be unable to participate in these activities. We do have sunscreen in class for use by students but if they prefer they may bring their own. We encourage all students to protect themselves from the harmful rays of the sun.

 Crunch and Sip

At around 10:00am each day the students will have crunch and sip time. This means eating any type of fruit/veg and drinking water with it. If students choose to have an orange, please have this cut/peeled ready for them to eat, as this time is just a short break. This strategy is to help encourage healthy eating habits and to rehydrate the brain and muscles, to help concentration. Students must have a drink bottle on their table during the day so that they may drink water as it is required.

 Lunch Orders

Lunch orders need to be in the lunch order box by 9:00am. On the lunch order bag please include your child’s name, room number and Renmark Primary School. There are no lunch orders on Monday.


Each student is expected to read three times a week. Students are able to complete Lexile quizzes at home. The address of the Lexile site is Each student has their log in details in their diary. Timestables should also be learnt at home as part of homework. Students are encouraged to continue research and tasks that are part of the curriculum they are studying. On some days there maybe some work to complete.

 Class Blog

Students have regularly been entering events and learning on our class blog. To view what is happening go to

 Topics for this term

Maths Fractions and decimals


        AL – Rowan of Rin by Emily Rodda and the Common House Fly

        Report writing

        Narrative writing


        Ancient Rome


        Cyber Bullying, Recognising and reporting abuse.

        Healthy dietary practice


        Alli Ingerson will lead Science lessons this term. The topic is from the Science Connections curriculum resource, Micro Organisms

        Continue to develop the butterfly garden

        Participate in a Rabbit Scan

 Peer Support

Peer Support for Year 7 students will begin in Week 6 of this term on a Friday afternoon. Working in small groups with Year 11 students they will work through Communication, Cooperation, Relationships and Problem Solving units of work.

 You are welcome to visit the room, if you want to discuss something please make an appointment time.

Kind regards,

Ann Sluggett        Brenda Pfitzner

Class Teacher       Deputy Principal


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